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BMW E90 325xi, 328xi, 330xi Engine mount replacement.

In this article I will show you how to replace left and right BMW E90 325xi, 328xi or 330xi engine mounts.  A bad engine mount will cause excessive engine vibration felt through the steering wheel as well as a clunk when the car starts up.  This project was done on a 2007 328xi, AWD system definitely makes it a little harder to replace the driver's side engine mount.  To remove the engine mounts you will need to lift up the engine.  N52 engine has a threaded hole in the cylinder head, right next to the oil filter housing.  I screwed in a tow hook from an older BMW into the cylinder head in order to hook an engine hoist to the engine.  It is best to replace engine mounts one at a time.  If you unbolt both engine mounts at the same time you will not be able to lift the engine up high enough to remove the engine mounts.  By keeping one engine mount bolted up you are basically tilting the engine, as you are lifting it with a hoist, to one side allowing for more clearance between the engine mount arm and the subframe.

1.  Remove the cabin air filter housing.

BMW E90, E91, E92 Engine mount replacement - Removing the cabin filter housing

2.  Remove the ECU box cover and the brake master cylinder cover.  Unclip the wiring from the cowl.

BMW E90, E91, E92 Engine mount replacement - Disconnecting the sensor harness from the cowl

3.  Unbolt the cowl.

BMW E90, E91, E92 Engine mount replacement - Unbolting the cowl

4.  Unclip the engine wiring harness from the cowl.

BMW E90, E91, E92 Engine mount replacement - Unclip the wiring harness from the cowl

BMW E90, E91, E92 Engine mount replacement - Unclip the wiring harness from the cowl

5.  Remove the cowl and remove the engine acoustic cover.

BMW E90, E91, E92 Engine mount replacement - Remove the engine cover

6.  Install a hook for the engine hoist.  I used a tow hook from an older BMW.

BMW E90, E91, E92 Engine mount replacement - Screw in the hook for lifting the engine

7.  Remove the under car shield, including the shield that covers the transmission.

BMW E90, E91, E92 Engine mount replacement - Remove the undercar shield

As I mentioned earlier,  driver's side mount is much harder to replace than the passenger side.  I am going to replace the driver's side mount first.

8.  Unbolt the engine mount from the subframe.

BMW E90, E91, E92 Engine mount replacement - Unbolt the engine mount

9.  Unbolt the engine mount from the engine arm.

BMW E90, E91, E92 Engine mount replacement - Unbolt the engine mount from the top

10.  Unbolt the ground strap from the engine mount arm.

BMW E90, E91, E92 Engine mount replacement - Disconnect the ground strap from the engine mount

11.  Raise the engine a few inches.  Be sure to use a reliable hoist with a strong chain.  Be safe, if something like a chain brakes the engine could fall on your hands while you are in there taking the mount out.

BMW E90, E91, E92 Engine mount replacement - Lift up the engine

12.  As you can see in this picture, the mount is loose but there is no space to get it out without removing the cover for the fuel lines.  Remove the 3 nuts and remove the cover.

BMW E90, E91, E92 Engine mount replacement - Remove the bracket

13.  Unbolt the bracket that holds the fuel lines to the chassis.  Now you should have a big enough opening to remove the driver's side engine mount.  Install the new engine mount, drop the engine and bolt everything up.

BMW E90, E91, E92 Engine mount replacement - Unbolt the cover

Passenger side engine mount is pretty easy to replace.  Be sure the driver's side mount is bolted up or you won't be able to lift the engine high enough to remove the mount.

14.  Unbolt the engine mount from the engine arm.

BMW E90, E91, E92 Engine mount replacement - Unbolt the engine mount top nut

15.  Unbolt the mount from the subframe.

BMW E90, E91, E92 Engine mount replacement - Remove the engine mount with the engine lifted

16.  Lift the engine and remove the mount. 

Here are the torque specs:

Engine mount to subframe: 28Nm

Engine mount to engine arm nut: 56Nm





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