Porsche 996 Turbo Oil Change
In this article I will show you how to perform a Porsche 2001-2005 996 Turbo oil change. Changing the oil in Porsche 996 Turbo is not really that different from changing the oil in any other car. Porsche 996 Turbo engine is a dry sump engine, it doesn't have the oil pan so the oil needs to be drained from the oil tank, the engine case and both of the turbochargers.
Here is a list of what you will need:
1. Use a 76mm 14 flute oil filter wrench to unscrew and remove the oil filter from the oil filter housing.
2. I always inspect my oil filter for metal flakes or any other debris.
3. Remove and install a new oil filter housing cap seal. Lubricate the seal with some fresh oil.
4. Insert the new filter into the oil filter housing. The center hole of the filter is designed to be small and expand over the bottom center of the oil filter housing and the center of the oil filter cap. Push down on the oil filter cap to get the thread of the housing cap to catch and torque down the cap to 25Nm or 19ftlb.
5. Drain the oil from the main oil tank. The oil comes out pretty quickly so have a drain pan that can handle a large volume of fast flowing oil. When the oil is done draining, reinstall the drain plug with a new copper washer and torque it down to 60Nm or 44ftlb.
6. Drain the oil from the crankcase. Reinstall the drain plug with a new aluminum washer and torque down the plug to 70Nm or 52ftlb.
7. Drain the oil from the turbo oil reservoirs. Install a new drain plug washer and torque down the plug to 30Nm or 22ftlb.
8. Fill the engine with 9.2 quarts of oil. Start the car and let the engine warm up. Measure the oil level, make sure it is to the top mark.