*** IMPORTANT - TEST ONLY - Please ignore the following test applications *** - part note test second part note... third part note... first app note... second app note... third app note... position note test 1 01 test test 102 test test 203 test test 304 test test 4 01 test test 1 02 test test 2 03 test test 3 04 test test 4 *** IMPORTANT - TEST ONLY - Please ignore the following test applications *** - part note test second part note... A free-enterprise economy depends only on markets, and according to the most advanced mathematical macroceonomic theory, markets depend only on moods: specifically, the mood of the men in the pinstripes, also known as the Boys on the Street. When the Boys are in a good mood, the market thrives; when they get scared or sullet, it it time for each on of us to look in the the retail apple business. Barbara Ehrenreich third part note.... 01 test test 1 02 test test 2 03 test test 3 04 test test 4